Teacher Portfolio
Serena Ontiveros
Colorado State University
M.A. Candidate English Education, 12/23
Single-Subject English Credential Candidate
Hello, nice to e-meet you!
My name is Serena, or Mrs. O. I am a lifelong learner passionate about sharing the learning cycle with students, colleagues, and mentors. I am an anti-racist, an advocate, a reader, a researcher, and a listener. I am pretty savvy in English and Dance. With practice I aspire to be a great writer. Yoga class, a good book, and great coffee are earthly pleasures I cherish. Time with my family is heaven.
I believe in becoming and being. Change and challenge carry me to a better version of myself.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured of far away. ~H.D. Thoreau
Serena ontiveros
This semester has been a wonderful bridge back into the professional realm, codifying my instructional learning and setting me on my path to being a classroom facilitator.
Exploring themes of teaching philosophy, classroom management, pedagogy, and professionalism within the class solidified the learning gathered throughout the teacher licensure program. We had plenty of opportunities to gather sand and I feel I am leaving with pockets full of gold.
You showed us the beach...
As you may know, a decade ago I took this course and ended up failing when I became homeless. It was a life altering moment.
Choosing to come back and try again was a step of faith.
I fell like the universe showed up for me and my family by giving us this incredibly different and redeeming experience.
I gathered the sand...
Every topic we covered we learned, not only from the direct instruction, but from the modeling of the theory in action by our instructor.
The layers of instruction define what a "Proficient" teacher looks like in the classroom. The standards were not only taught but embodied.
Integrity and empathy were not just ideals in a Powerpoint but powerful gifts offered freely.
Now I am rich in treasure.
It is hard to put into words the depth of my gratitude for the opportunity to have John Knight as an instructor. I have not only collected the gifts of knowledge and experience but the healing balm of kindness and the gift of self worth that the honest feedback, genuine compassion, and pedagogical excellence has offered.
Teacher's demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach...
I included literacy and drew connections between students prior knowledge and life experience connecting across multiple disciplines as in element 1b. In this artifact I also used content knowledge and multiple teaching strategies incorporated into the Making Thinking Visible lesson as required in element 1c.
Element 1a: Developing >>> Proficient
"Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards,
and their district's organized plan of instruction."
My lesson planning skills are strong and I am adept at coordinating the lesson plans with the state standards. I am able to incorporate well written objectives and connect instruction planning to both formative and summative assessments.
I have been able to align instruction to the curricular plan of the department and or the school site, however I do not have as much experience in coordinating across a district plan in relationship to the vertical and horizontal alignment with grade and content areas.
I am able to implement and communicate learning objectives to students and administrators. I am adept at using the objectives as an anchor point for a lesson which allows me to adapt if an element is not working or if students demonstrate a need for a different approach. I am able to see multiple avenues of approaching an objective and deliver a lesson in a variety of ways to achieve the objective.
Element 1b: Emergent
"Teachers develop and implement lessons that connect to a variety of content areas/disciplines
and emphasize literacy and mathematical practices."
When it comes to drawing connections I am highly proficient! I can draw connections, and help students draw their own connections, between a variety of personal and academic experiences. I can draw connections between Science, History, Sociology, Art, Music,...
But, MATH! This is a new to me element of the teacher standards which I welcome as a challenge to my dynamic thinking. Because I am a neophyte in this area of cross-curricular planning and instruction, I rated myself as emergent.
Element 1c: Developing >>> Proficient
"Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content, central concepts, inquiry, appropriate
evidence-based instructional practices, and specialized characteristics of the disciplines being taught."
I am able to use my knowledge and experience to deconstruct the learning process and provide the appropriate sequence of learning. This includes identifying gaps in learning and re-teaching or reinforcing areas in need of support. It also includes adapting the scope and sequence to meet learners at varying ability levels.
Including the learning objective and using a range of delivery methods and inquiry based techniques is an integrated part of my pedagogical approach.
To become fully proficient in this domain I need more opportunities to develop my relationship with students in a given context so that I can anticipate their "misconceptions related to learning." This is impossible to do in a vacuum devoid of relationship or cultural and personal awareness of individual students. I believe that I have the capacity to be proficient in this area given the opportunity for invested practice.
Classroom Managment
Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse population of students.
The first step in creating a safe and collaborative environment the ability to see what that would look like and to assess how to get there. This artifact demonstrates my ability to see students as individuals, as members of social groups, and to see the classroom as an ecosystem.
This artifact demonstrates my ability to see students needs and anticipate ways of meeting those needs in a variety of ways as in element 2a. It also shows ways in which I am able to create multiple avenues of communication for families, students and community members.
Element 2a: Developing
"Teachers foster a predictable learning environment characterized by acceptable student behavior and
efficient use of time in which each student has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults and peers."
I am able to keep the safety of the students in my care at the heart of all that I do. This includes their emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. Predictability, consistency, and clear expectations are paramount in the creation of a safe environment.
I am able to hold students accountable to these routines and expectations with compassion and integrity.
I look forward to becoming proficient in this domain by increasing my maximization of time and transitions. Because I place relationship as a core value I often find that time is spent on building those relationships. look forward to finding balance between instructional time, transitions, and community and relationship.
Element 2b: Developing >>> Proficient
"Teachers demonstrate an awareness of, a commitment to , and a respect for multiple aspects of diversity,
while working toward a common goals as a community of learners."
I am an ant-racist and an advocate for equality with a deep awareness of the way in which our family and culture of origin class, race, gender, religion and ethnicity are integral to who we are and how we we are perceived and treated by others.
I am adept at and invested in building anti-racist, inclusive, equitable spaces for students to thrive in. I am able to incorporate diversity in my content and pedagogy to honor the experiences and backgrounds of all students.
To become truly proficient in this domain, I look forward to developing materials and lessons that truly work against discrimination and "capitalize on diversity as an asset in the classroom." My heart is already there. I need the time and practice to execute this with excellence.
Element 2c: Developing >>> Proficient
"Teachers demonstrate an awareness of, a commitment to, and a respect for multiple aspects of diversity,
while working toward a common goals as a community of learners."
I am congruent with the idea that all students are able to learn and that I, the teacher, am responsible for meeting each student where they are in their own zone of proximal development, supporting them with instruction that meets their individual needs.
I am able to implement a range of learning opportunities, scaffolding and extending learning to ensure that the standards are being honored to the fullest potential of each unique learner.
Proficiency in this area will take time in the classroom to develop relationships with colleagues in order to build collaborative connections. It will also take several cycles of instruction in which I can develop a base of lesson plans which I can work from as a foundation for the improvisational jazz of instruction this domain encourages.
Element 2d: Developing >>> Proficient
"Teachers work collaboratively with the families and/or significant adults for the benefit of students."
Communication is key! Communicating in a variety of ways, with respect to the most accessible platforms for all stakeholders, is the foundation of good communication. I am able to survey families, significant adults, and students to determine the best modes and methods of communication and implement a variety of solutions.
I am invested in including the school community and the community at large in the learning process to reinforce multiple points of support for students.
Moving toward proficiency is impossible without the opportunity to do so within a community of educators and learners. I look froward to engaging in this area of development.
Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment what facilitates learning for their students.
Using multiple data points and examining them in relationship to one another can effectively inform teaching by identifying where students are in relationship to the goals and objectives of a given lesson. This artifact shows my ability to use student assessments not only to discern what students need to know, but what I need to know about the effectiveness of my instruction and how to improve it.
This artifact is a lesson plan reflection which epitomizes the elements in this standard by demonstrating the use of roles within group work, varied and accessible learning opportunities, incorporating all the voices in a classroom, and questioning as a method of acquiring knowledge.
Element 3a: Proficient
"Teachers demonstrate knowledge about the ways in which learning takes place,
including the levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students."
Holistic vision of the student is an area in which I am deeply integrated. I see the body, mind, and spirit of the student as equally in need of development and nurture.
I am willing and eager to seek out the expertise of others to expand my own learning and to collaborate on methods of improving my own instructional quality.
I am a holistic thinker who can also see the building blocks which allows for integration of developmentally appropriate and innovative learning opportunities.
Element 3b: Developing
"Teachers use formal and informal methods to assess student learning,
provide feedback, and use results to inform planning and instruction."
I am skilled in determining the instructional level of students through a variety of means including formal and informal assessments, interviews, collaterals, and through family engagement.
I am adaptable and have enough teaching experience and pedagogical knowledge to assess in real-time what adjustments need to be made to a lesson based on the responses of students. Connecting back to the objectives of the lesson and adjusting course based on informal assessments, including metering student engagement and receptivity, is a talent that is in my wheel house.
I am able to provide high quality feedback in the language of instruction and the communication style which bears in mind the unique learner's needs.
To become proficient in this area and begin to model how to incorporate feedback will take intentional practice and building into the scope and sequence of a lesson opportunities to implement feedback and embrace revision.
Element 3c: Emergent >>> Developing
"Teachers integrate and utilize appropriate available technology
to engage students in authentic learning experiences."
Planning lessons to include digital technology is something I need to develop comfort with. There is a part of me which resists this integration because of the frequency with which technology failure can detract time and create problems with transitions.
I look forward to the opportunity to wring out my system in a home classroom to ensure that I am able to integrate technology as a viable and vital component of my class.
"Teachers establish and communicate high expectations and use process to
support the development of critical-thinking and problem-solving skills."
Challenging students at their individual level is critical to educational growth for all students. This requires adaptability, investment, and familiarity with the scope and sequence of learning. I have all of these qualities.
Socratic dialogue and inquiry based learning methods are integral components of my teaching approach. I am comfortable with long pauses and I firmly believe that knowledge discovered is worth much more than knowledge delivered.
I am nearing proficient in this area and need the benefit of more time in a classroom to practice making my own thinking visible as a means of modeling critical thinking and problem-solving.
"Teachers provide students with opportunities to work in teams and develop leadership."
This is an area in which my English Education program has very well prepared me to maintain a clear purpose and rationale for collaboration in the classroom.
I am versed in assigning roles, establishing norms, and creating accountability within groups.
This is critical, not only for the individual development of responsibility and ensuring that all learners are developing as leaders, but also ensure the classroom environment is equitable.
Element 3f: Developing
"Teachers model and promote effective communication."
Classroom practices to create healthy communication pathways are critical not only for learning, but for supporting healthy, collaborative environments for thinking and relationship building.
I am able to articulate my own thoughts clearly, to communicate the "why" which affords students respect and creates buy in, and to listen actively and with empathy.
In order to enter into proficient in this area, I need to explore ways of slowing down and managing time to incorporate the modeling and making explicit of effective communication. I look forward to developing opportunities for incorporating communication into my lesson plans and instructional routines.
Teachers demonstrate professionalism through ethical conduct, reflection, and leadership.
My resume is the summary of my professional and educational accomplishments. It demonstrates the accomplishments such as leadership awards and roles which have peppered my career. My efficacy as a leader, a change agent, and a life-long learner are shown here.
Reflecting on the ways in which a teaching body interacts is the first step toward contributing effectively. This artifacts highlights my ability to see systems at work and to identify areas of potential engagement.
Element 4a: Developing
"Teachers demonstrate high standards for professional conduct."
As a person, my integrity is the attribute of self that I value most highly. I am a person of honesty, dignity, empathy, and justice. These values underpin my integrity in which I stand at all times.
I respect the confidentiality of student records, and appreciate discretion in all my relationships with colleagues, community members, and all those I engage with in my personal and professional realms.
I am invested in treating all people with respect in my interactions.
In order to consider myself proficient in this area, I would need to be demonstrating these qualities in the context of a specific school site over time. Promoting ethical behavior of students requires relationship, investment, the respect of students. I look forward to developing relationships that earn me that kind of influence.
Element 4b: Proficient
"Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals."
I love learning! It is a joy and a privilege to continue my own learning and development in all areas of my life. Growing as a person helps me grow as a teacher. Growing as a teacher helps me grow as a person.
I am adept at integrating learning and hold a change mindset which allows me to move into new patterns of behavior and develop freely without the fear of letting go of past practice to develop new skills.
I have the confidence and experience coupled with pedagogical skill and content knowledge to effectively implement feedback with humility and adaptability.
Element 4c: Developing
"Teachers link professional growth through ethical conduct, reflection and leadership.
I am able to maintain productive and mutually respectful relationships with colleagues through an appreciation of difference and a value on empathy.
I am able to adapt to changing environments and demands easily because of my core value of a change mindset.
In order to view myself as proficient in this area I feel I would need to be situated in a context over a period of time where these skills would be challenged and proven.
Element 4d: Developing
"Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school, the community, and the teaching profession."
I am an active contributor and collaborator in all contexts in my life. I actively pursue opportunities to serve and to apply my abilities in ways that benefit the community. I enjoy supporting others, collaborating across disciplines, and giving freely of my time and talents.
I embody many of the proficient qualities such as applying research and professional development as key components of leadership and practice.
I look forward to continuing to develop as a teacher and leader to integrate into a learning community in such a way that my colleagues view my contributions as efficacious.